Today is the kickoff of an exciting new project that Navelink is proud to be a part of – MaDaMe. 

MaDaMe, short for Maritime Data Methods for Safe Shipping, is a pioneering European Union project aimed at advancing maritime safety and navigation through the development and piloting of digital solutions. Navelink is a proud associate partner with this project. By leveraging innovative technologies and fostering international standardization efforts, MaDaMe is poised to take service prototypes closer to being released and boost the development of navigation and communication at sea. 


Project Goals 

The core objectives of the MaDaMe project encompass: 

  • Digital Aids to Navigation Information Service: MaDaMe seeks to increase the maturity of an innovative digital service introduced by GLA in the Digital Incubator. This service offers critical Aids to Navigation information, including device status information. This digital service will significantly enhance the navigational safety of ships.
  • Digital Navigational Warnings Information Service: MaDaMe aims to increase maturity and operability of service prototypes providing digital navigational warnings, ensuring that ships receive timely, accurate, and vital information to navigate safely. 
  • Digital Technical Vessel Traffic Service (VTS): MaDaMe is increasing the maturity and interoperability of digital VTS service prototypes to bolster the safety of vessel traffic in maritime regions. 

These services are built on robust and innovative technologies such as the Maritime Connectivity Platform (MCP) and the VHF Data Exchange System (VDES). MaDaMe is committed to support international standardization, contributing to the standardizations set by organizations like IALA (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities) and IHO (International Hydrographic Organization), which underscores the project’s global impact. 


Important Stakeholders 

MaDaMe’s initiatives cater to a diverse range of stakeholders: 

  • Maritime Authorities: MaDaMe’s solutions empower maritime authorities to offer new services to ships, enhancing overall safety and efficiency. 
  • Ship Owners: Through MaDaMe’s digital services, ship owners can take advantage of innovative solutions designed to enhance navigation and safety. 
  • Digital Service Providers: Companies specializing in equipment or solutions for maritime authorities and ship owners will find a valuable platform for collaboration and innovation within MaDaMe.
  • Standardization Organizations: MaDaMe actively contributes to international standardization efforts, ensuring that new technologies and services align with global maritime safety standards. 


Key Partners 

MaDaMe is a collaborative effort with the involvement of several key partners within the maritime industry, governmental organizations, and academia. Navelink proudly stands as one of MaDaMe’s associate partners, sharing its expertise and resources to contribute to the project’s success.  



MaDaMe is not only a transformative project but also a testament to the power of collaborative innovation in the maritime industry. With a clear mission to enhance maritime safety through digital solutions and international standardization, MaDaMe is set to drive progress in safe and efficient shipping practices. By bringing together maritime authorities, governmental agencies, industry leaders, ship owners, digital service providers, and standardization organizations, MaDaMe is poised to revolutionize the maritime sector. Navelink is proud to participate in this innovative project.  


Author: Milena Dalinaros